[Foreign Correspondents] Ep.122 – The MeToo movement in sports _ Full Episode
0 Me Too Movement #MeToo arirang arirangtv CHO_Jaebeom Confessions culture Culture_of_Violence Factional_Infighting Isolation issue korea korean Korean_Sports kpop news Olympic_Medalist Revelations Sexual_Allegations Sexual_Violence SHIM_Sukhee Short_track TV victims vod youtube 금메달리스트 동계올림픽 미투운동 성적만능주의 성폭력 성폭행 쇼트트랙 심석희 조재범 체육계_파벌 카르텔 폐쇄적 한국쳬유계 합숙훈련
The MeToo movement in South Korea’s world of sports following the confessions of an Olympic medalist 동계올림픽 금메달리스트 …